(Note: All due dates appear in the course “Reading Schedule” at left)

In-Class Quizzes (x3): 15%  (5% each)  Short (15 min.) assessments combining multiple-choice and “Jeopardy!”-style questions drawn from required readings and lectures.

Comparative Paper: 15% A short (5-7 page) original essay comparing and contrasting soldiers’ memoirs in WWII and the Vietnam conflict. Full instructions can be found by clicking HERE.

Course Exams (x2): 40% (20% each) A two-part written exam consisting of a Short-Answer Identification section (40%) and an Essay question (60%).

Final Exam: 30%. A cumulative exam – designed to test students’ knowledge and understanding of US Military History from America’s founding to the present, the course final will be weighted toward subjects/topics addressed during the last third of the semester. The Final will be similar in format to previously administered exams (see above).

[For a description of Prof. Palmer’s grading scale click here.]