RUSS 2310/HIST 3395-001

Spring 2025

MW 1:00pm–2:20pm Synchronous via Zoom

Prof. Scott W. Palmer

Office Hours: Virtual only and by appointment

Statement Regarding Intellectual Property:

Course materials (including all lectures and visual presentations) prepared by the instructor are the property of the instructor. In accordance with UTA Policy governing the “Electronic Recording of Oral Communications & Administrative Meetings” [Section II.A.1] this statement serves as notice that video and/or audio recording of all RUSS 2310/HIST 3395-002 lectures and classroom meetings is strictly prohibited. Students entitled to video/audio recordings owing to an officially approved and documented ADA accommodation will be given timely access to requisite materials by the instructor.


While assigned readings, browsings, and viewings, contain a great deal of important information, many of the critical concepts and themes necessary to mastering the material will only be addressed during regular class meetings. As such, attendance is vital to one’s success during the semester. Attendance, however, is not a component of one’s semester grade; students do not receive credit or “points” for showing-up to class.

Use of AI

The use of any form of Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT, iA Writer, DALL-E, etc.) is not permitted in this course.  Assignments have been designed to help students develop and demonstrate the knowledge and skills associated with the specified learning outcomes. Work completed outside of regular class hours and submitted for a grade will be tested using one or more AI content detection tools. Because generative AI and detection software are developing at a rapid pace, it is possible that assignments you turn in may appear as “false positives” and raise concerns of possible academic dishonesty. To ensure that you can demonstrate intellectual ownership of the assignments you submit, you are expected to maintain clear evidence of your work (e.g., time-stamped drafts and notes; copies and links to source material, etc.). Any violation of these rules will result in a zero “0” for the assignment and will be reported to the institution’s Office of Student Affairs as a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.

Make-up Assignments and Exams:

Students will be granted an opportunity to make-up in-class exams and film quizzes missed for any reason during the course of the semester. Make-up exams/quizzes however, must be completed on the lone designated “Make-up Day” scheduled during the last week of semester. [The precise day/times will be announced by the end of the third week of instruction.] Any missed exam/quiz not completed on “Make-up Day” will be recorded as a zero (“0”). No exceptions or accommodations will be made to this policy.

Additional Verbiage:

Academic Success Center

The Academic Success Center (ASC) includes a variety of resources and services to help you maximize your learning and succeed as a student at the University of Texas at Arlington. ASC services include supplemental instruction, peer-led team learning, tutoring, mentoring and TRIO SSS.  Academic Success Center services are provided at no additional cost to UTA students. For additional information visit:  Academic Success




As is true of all courses, Introduction to Russian Culture (aka Russian Culture in the World) is a “work-in-progress.” The instructor reserves the right to revise, alter, and/or supplement course content, assignments, and requirements as he deems necessary. This syllabus is a guide, not a contract.