Ivan Bilibin, The City of Kitezh (n.d.)

This course is designed to provide students with a broad introduction to the unique and influential contributions made by Russian culture to the human experience. Through the investigation of literary and artistic works (including epic tales and fables, poetry and prose, along with music, painting, film, and architecture) we will examine the manner in which the creative products of Russia’s past have pointed the way towards its future while embodying the fundamental striving of individuals and nation to establish identity and meaning both within and beyond history.

The following themes serve as a framework for the course: Russians’ particular approaches to understanding spirituality, space and time; the challenges posed by geography and environment; the latent tension between state authority and personal autonomy; the quest to articulate and actualize the Russian “idea.”

This website is part of SPOKE Educational Network, Inc. (SPOKE-Network™). It is the central on-line repository for browsing materials, media resources, instructional policies, the class blog, and other virtual information related to the meat-world and online versions of “Introduction to Russian Culture” and “Imperial Russia, 1682-1917.” If you are among the lucky masses currently enrolled in either course this site contains everything you require for a successful and enjoyable experience. Please be sure to check-in regularly during the semester as the contents of this site will be updated on a frequent basis.