
Advanced Placement® courses, college admissions consultants, tutoring, and standardized testing services can help prepare students for getting into the right school but none of these prepare students for what comes next—the real university experience. SPOKE-Network™ knows what students need to

Test Drive a Course

Curious to find out what goes on in a college-level classroom or simply want to learn more about a particular subject? SPOKE-Network™ can lend a hand. We offer access to select university course content developed and taught by members of

Curriculum Design and Suppport

Whether you’re a homeschooling parent or a high school teacher, your students deserve high-quality curricular materials and lesson plans that will help them prepare for the post-graduation world. SPOKE-Network™ supports your mission as an educator.  Backed by decades of university


If you’re looking for one-on-one help with your high school or college courses look no further than SPOKE-Network™. Dallas-Fort Worth area students in Carroll ISD, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD, and Keller ISD should contact our partners at Chelsea Hall to schedule in-person