New Achievements!
During our most recently concluded Adventure (devoted to “Control-Feedback”) – multiple new Achievements were unlocked – including the first
Valentino Marinho-Delzoppo staked his claim to HoVG Immortality by revealing he was the first Adventurer to use the DIG to craft an Item – a Bag of Holding – enabling him to accumulate unlimited vidcoin in the weeks and months ahead. His actions unlocked not one but two unique Achievements!:
Dig? Dug! [Unique – 25 pts.] : awarded to the first Adventurer to Craft any Item at the DIG/Kraftwerks.
BAGMAN [Unique – 10 pts.] : awarded to the first Adventurer to Craft a Bag of Holding.
Valentino surged to the top of the Course Leader Board by unlocking a third new achievement (!) when he employed the binary system to properly “compute” the number 95:
MATHEMAGICIAN [General – 25 pts.] : help out The GameMaster by providing the correct answer to a question involving numbers
In other news, Shianne Van Fleet, Jack Berube, and Alex Raezer each secured “That Guy” for correctly answering The GameMaster’s questions re: the military’s desire to pursue automated computing to eliminate human error, the challenges posed to Big Sci-Tech by communications, and the term used to describe women who calculated artillery firing tables during WWII.
In post-Adventure action, Gloria Hu and Chris Tan dropped by The GameMaster’s Lair to secure 25 CAPs each for the previously unlocked “Office Space” Achievement.
The Course Leader Board is up-to date”