“History of Video Games” is an open-world edutainment adventure focusing on the technological, cultural, and other forces and that have shaped (and been shaped by) electronic amusements from c. 1950 to the present.
Over the course of the semester we will explore a range of topics including: the origins and evolution of gaming technologies; the interaction of video games and popular culture; gaming aesthetics; the politics (and economics) of games and gaming; gamer culture(s); and the possible futures of video games to come (to name but a few).
In addition to familiarizing students with major issues and themes from the gaming past, a secondary aim of this course is to introduce non-liberal arts majors to the myriad benefits humanistic understanding may impart to life-long, vocational success. The course further aims to impart liberal arts majors with greater knowledge and appreciation of the ways technology and science have shaped humanistic expression in both its real and “virtual” manifestations.
Frequency: Fall semesters
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