Advanced Placement® courses, college admissions consultants, tutoring, and standardized testing services can help prepare students for getting into the right school but none of these prepare students for what comes next—the real university experience.

SPOKE-Network™ knows what students need to know before they set foot on campus.

We get students ready for college and teach them the skills and mindset they need for success.

  • Why a degree is NOT the same as an education
  • What to expect from the curriculum, classes, and actual coursework
  • When (and how) to interact with instructors, administrators, and staff members
  • Where to locate institutional information and resources
  • How to navigate the university bureaucracy
  • Whom to turn to when things need to be done
  • and much, much more…

Backed by decades of practice as scholars, faculty members, advisors, and administrators, SPOKE-Network™ is ideally prepared to guide you through the complex, confusing, and occasionally convoluted world of “University, Inc.”

We understand how universities and colleges function (and why, sometimes, they don’t). We know their basic business models, motivations, and “metrics.” We recognize the strengths and weaknesses of American higher education. We’ve experienced how institutional missions and administrative mandates frequently work against the interests of the students they are supposed to serve.

We’ve witnessed far too many students earn degrees without having learned a thing. And we’ve seen perfectly capable students fail for lack of timely access to accurate information, straight talk, and expert advice.

Whether you’re looking forward to studying at an elite private university, a public “R-1,” regional state school, or a small liberal arts college, we’ll get you ready and support you along the way.

Let us help you get the most out of your money and, more importantly, get the most out of your educational experience.

For more information on our available services click on the “Contact” link at the top of the page.